Апраксин Блюз
Apraksin Blues
Apraksin Blues
It's all the same blues.
Published since September 1995
The Nature of Blues
Translators to English
Translators to Russian
Hot Issue
Archival Issues
The Age of Blues
Banquet of Ideas
The Trinity as the living process of the self-revealing Absolute
New norms of Russian pronunciation
The economy of converted forms
Nano-poetics and poetic democracy
The 21st century as the beginning of the age of monks
The monarchy as the vanguard of morality
The fellowship of science and faith
Apraksina’s Studio
Tatyana Apraksina’s Studio – Paintings
Tatyana Apraksina’s Studio – Drawings
Tatyana Apraksina’s Studio – Early Period
California Psalms
Creative Bibliography
Vladimir Liubeznov
Living Logic
34. In Worlds and Times
Positive Curvature Tensor
32. Worldly Aspect
Prolegomena to Living Logic
29. The Career of Freedom
Between February and October
28. The Reefs of Conflict
The Abode of Logos – Meaning Existing for Itself
27. The Vector of Translation
On the Trinity, or, A Breakthrough Unperceived by Humanity
17. Octave
Polemics Session: In Defense of Dialectics
18. Phases of Craft
The Beginning of Living Logic: On the Trinity
21. Sniper
The Beginning of Living Logic (continued)
23. Reverse Perspective